Shop Crowley Marine for Serial-Range Mercruiser. Offering discount prices on OEM parts for over 45 years. FAST $3.95 shipping available.
Alpha One, Mercruiser sterndrives and sterndrive informationMercruiser Sterndrive InformationWe have both new and factory remanufactured sterndrives.New is always best but the factory remanufactured drives arewell known for quality and dependability.Before ordering a new or remanufactured sterndrive you need toknow exactly what drive you need. Most drives will have a serialnumber stamped into the side or rear decal.Having the serial number usually allows the customer to exactlywhat drive he needs; however, it is possible that someone has changed agear set and altered the original ratio.Click to look up a new drive unit using your serial number, model or year.Click to look up a factory remanufactured drive unit using your serial number, model or year.Please note: Prices are subject to change. Core fees not included.Prices are for in-stock units only.
Special order drives may be more.Alpha One Sterndrives CompleteSterndrive UnitPart NumberRatioYour Price(new / reman)Click Below to buy aRemanufactured UnitAlpha One5-0130101 / $2900Alpha One5-0147101 / $2900Alpha One5-0162201 / $2900Alpha One5-018101 / $2900Alpha One5-0194101 / $2900Alpha One Counter Rotation5-5000177CP1.47$3600 / $3000Alpha One Counter Rotation5-5000162CP1.62$3600 / $3000Alpha One Counter Rotation5-5000181CP1.81$3600 / $3000Alpha One Counter Rotation5-5000194CP1.94$3600 / $3000Note: New Alpha One Drives include the rear tilt pin with bushingsand a mounting gasket. Factory Remanufactured units do not includethe rear tilt pin or gasket.Our Factory Remanufactured Alpha Ones look positively new.Both will have a one year factory Mercruiser Limited Warranty.Average shipping costs within the continental US are under $120 UPS Ground.Please note. We get a lot of calls asking if the Bravo can replace theAlpha Drive. The Bravo will NOT fit directlyonto an Alpha One gimbal housing assembly.
If you want to convert to a Bravo,you will need to replace the entire gimbal housing assembly.