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This time is for download game java fans. And i tell you one of interesting java games. So don't wait anymore. Let's see it.if you like download game java you may also likeLots of football games on the mobile category, but I say with honestythat Real Football series is the best in terms of gameplay. Gameloft hasreleased Real Football for the 2012 edition. 'Rich with features, withexceptional field of action, Real Football 2011 is one of the bestmobile games this season.'

So, see what the new game will offer sequel Real Football 2012. New Features In this season, Real Football 2012give many new features to dijelajaih, including improved graphics, and aview of 'landscape' for touchscreen phones. Players also have a way ofcelebration of a goal that you can modify yourself. You could could feelthe atmosphere in the stadium Real Football 2012 furtherimproved to be more alive. Supporters were present to express their moodmore real, as if they were throwing ornament joy, or shout 'Boo' ifthey do not like your game.

Game ModeThere are 9 leagues and 245 teams to play. If you use a non-touchphone, you can see the view of the diagonal.

There will be a tutorialwhen you play RF2012, try to access the 'TUTORIAL' if you want to bemore adept at passing and shooting the ball. The thing I liked the easeof the game Real Football was playing with the buttons on the alreadyspecified their role, if compared to PES (Pro Evolution Soccer), whichdoes not have many tricks.There are several modes in the game:Club MasterStart with your team in the bottom division and led the team to victoryin every championship.

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In RF Wap League, you canplay games on their own, and send your scores to the internationalstandings ladder. Here you can compare your skills with experts playReal Football else. In the Bluetooth multiplayer mode, you can play withyour friends using Bluetoot connection.

Of course you need the RealFootball 2012 is installed on both mobile phones (you and your friend).download info:Nokiasony erricsson. Many think you can do it in this site like download game java.if you like download game java you may like March of Heroesthere was more than 30 stages you must complete. Every stages havedifferent obstacles. So manage your strategy carefully. You can alsoplay in different galaxy. This is an addictive game you must play. Andit is free for you.

Just klik download link and play it.angry Birds Space is a game that a lot of popular today, not onlyfor mobile phone / mobile phone to the PC version but also a lot ofdemand. Angry Bird game is a game genre Space shooting games or shootinggames.For my friend who needed space game angry bird java mobile versionplease download angry bird game for free space via the download linkbelow. Story lineDifferences of political understanding between countries causeddevastating conflict that led to the outbreak of the cold war. As amember of a special forces unit, you are required to carry out adangerous mission to finish the war.GameplayGameplayThis game genre action shooter that features excellent graphics quality.Enjoy the thrilling action in 9 chapters located missions ranging fromforests in Vietnam, the depth of the sea, to the mountains ofAfghanistan.

The first mission begins with you playing as a soldiernamed Fletcher, which brings helicopter was shot down. Slip into enemybases in the jungle of Vietnam and you are required to go through muddyfields and mines. Be careful because there might be an enemy hidingbehind the grass. Very cool feature is that you can crawl in water toavoid enemy patrols!

Choose a style of war, hide behind a wall to avoidenemy fire, do infiltration or directly face them head on. Lucky youalso have a variety of weapons such as the flamethrower or grenadelauncher that you can use to fight.

When the gauge bar has a fullscreen, you can call a helicopter airstrike were very helpful indefeating the enemy in a short time. In addition, you can drive a tankwhere you can shoot enemies from the tank. You will also do a missionwhere you are with the squad, proceeded to attack the enemy.ConclusionMarch of Heroes has a really full-action that can make youstunned play! Missions and various locations wars, a diverse selectionof weapons as well as various types of vehicles such as helicopters ortanks help make this game very dynamic and exciting. The graphics arevery good and interesting storyline make this game one to be missed.For those who are interested please download but specifically for s60v2 for other types please googling your self.download info:- 106kb- 313kb- 967kb- 1007kb- 2157kb- 3490kb. Have you watched the movie The Avengers movie that is definitely called for a lot of action in the season adengan whice sistemmatik and spoil the eye.

And this time you find right place to download game java. This time I will be reviewing a java game The Avengers output from gameloft without further ado immediately wrote to the core.

First time playing this game you will be a little surprised by the chart shown quite unusual for a java game character and setting details that are not monotonous.if you like this game, you may also like Mafia Wars Yakuza, and Download guitar hero 6 warrior of rock. This game named “ mafia wars yakuza”. This game is top downloadson last year. This game is one of free java games. This game developedby sumea and digital chocolate, one of biggest download game java developer.Mafia Wars Yakuza is about mafia wars in japan. You play as a manwho must kill all enemies in the wars. On the first time you play thisgame you must kill enemies with standard handgun.

You can unlockedbetter gun by completing some quest missions. The enemies is various,like schoolgirl bombers, mans with machine gun, the samurai, etc. Youcan use special skill by pressing 5 when your special bar is enough touse. When your character is near your enemies, your charackter willshoot the enemies automatically. In this game you can choose one of 4modes. There is play story, tower of destiny, tutorial and locked (youmust unlocked this mode by completing the game). On play story mode youmust completing quest missions.

If you completed story mode you willunlocked fourth mode. When you begin story mode you can choose one of 4guns.

On the first time you just able to choose SMG as your gun. Tounlocked other 3 you must completed any missions. On tower destiny mode,you must kill the bosses on every 5 floors levels. On tower destinymode there was more than one hundred floors you can play. Every 5 floorsyou will find the bosses. Every bosses have different special skills.Like geisha, she throws 3 hand fan to defeated you.

And the big guy withspike chain ball. And other bosses.In this game game you can collect money to increase your score. If yourhealth is decrease you can find medicine on any place in this game toincrease your health again.On this game there was autosave feature.

This mean if you quit the game, the game will save your game data automatically.GRAPHICSThis game using 2D graphics technology. I think the graphics is great.you can see addictive animations. Like bom effect, explotion effect, andothers.CONTROLSTo move your characters use 2, 4, 6 and 8.

To shoot click 5 button. Butwhen your enemies near you, your character will shoot the enemiesautomatically. At this time 5 button is use to do special attack.SOUNDSIn this game you can hear music theme. But no sound effect in this game.I like switch of the sound when I play this game. Because it’s willdecrease battery comsumption.If you want try this game, you can download this game by clicking link below.Download info. Age of empires 3 the asian dynasties is one of top strategic javagames. In this game you must winning the war.

This game is aboutchinese, japanese and others asian dynasties war. You can choose onecountry. On the first time you playing this game you will play tutorialmode. You can choose difficulty levels.

In this game there was 2different difficulty level. That’s recruit and veteran. You can alsochoose 2 different game mode. First mode is campaign mode. On campaignmode you must completed a missions. Complete the missions one by one andunlocked them.

Second mode is skirmish, you can choose one mission. Onskirmish mode there was 3 different type of missions.

That’s classic,king of the hill, and regicide. There was more than 30 missions you canplay.

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Age of empires 3 the asian dynasties is one of free java games.On the gameplay you must builds your country. There was various buildingyou can choose. You must build town center first. If you was built towncenter you can require villager to work for you. The villagers functionis to suck as much natural resources.

The natural resources use tobuilds and buy troops. Build stable to get cavalry.

Built barracks ifyou need musketeer and warriors. You can build fortress too. You canupgrades your troops.

You can upgrades them until 3 level. Every youupgrades the troops, your building level will upgrade too. It’s meanyour building hard to destroy.

You can build outpost tower to defenseyour area.Destroyed all enemies and your enemies buldings. And you will win thegame. Your enemies can do upgrades too.

It’s very addictive game. Manageyour natural resources and your troops. If you want save your game datayou can choose one of 4 save slots.CONTROLSThis game using keypads control. Click d-pad or 2, 4, 6, 8 to move thecursor.

If you want build, click left softkey and choose one building.Click right softkey to pause. On the pause menu you can see yourobjectives.GRAPHICSThis game using 2D graphics. The buildings, natural resources and others is awesome. It’s great.SOUNDSYou can set on/off sound on the first time you open this game. The musicsound is addictive enough.

But no sound effects in this game. There wasvibration feature. You can switch on or off by clicking options menu.On options menu you can set up control modes. It’s great.If you want play this strategic game, you can get this now.Download info:128x176x240x360x640.

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