I need to setup OpenOffice in a linux box that will never have X installed. Every time I run the setup program of the OpenOffice installer it complains that the system does not have an X Terminal. I am using OOo3.1.0LinuxIntelinstallwJREen-US.tar. I have done this headless install for version 2.4, but we are having some performance issues and we will like to test the 3.1 version. The rpm -i.rpm does not work, since it is also looking for libgnome inside it.We are trying to install the system in a CenOS 5.1. Any ideas are welcome?
How to download and install OpenOffice 3.1 in headless mode on my CentOS server.I am working with a java app that needs OpenOffice as just a service for form generation.I am having a difficult. Install Openoffice Headless Server Software. Java Runtime Environment. If you want to develop Java. Fedora, Oracle. Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc. On the command line, type: $ su - c. If you want to develop. Gta san andreas. Java programs then install the java- 1. Debian, Ubuntu. On the command line, type: $ sudo apt- get install. Traveling through the yum repositories, I’ve found the libreoffice-headless (it means the openoffice without ServerX) then I’ve installed it using this simple command: root@centos:/$ yum install libreoffice-headless. It should install all requirements, dependencies and then libreoffice 3.4 headless. It means the functionality to make LibreOffice to work on command line.