Apache License v2.00This license can also be found at this permalink:Apache LicenseVersion 2.0, January 2004/TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION1. Definitions.“License” shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.“Licensor” shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized bythe copyright owner that is granting the License.“Legal Entity” shall mean the union of the acting entity and allother entities that control, are controlled by, or are under commoncontrol with that entity.
In 1988, the Swiss typeface designer first offered Avenir next condensed to the public. Which already at that time marked an exquisite alternative to other widely known typefaces such as or Avant-garde.You can easily give a new shape to your web design projects. It comes in many different styles like medium, italic and thin. It can be easily used in different designs to give a unique shape to your designs. We highly recommend this font to use in your business projects.Avenir was at the beginning released with 6 weights for which had carefully decided on the increments in line thickness. In typographical practice, however, this proved to be a prescribing component, in conjunction with the missing formidable weights.As a result, the authentic capacity of Avenir next font as a modern-day typeface didn’t be identified. It can be also downloaded in many different formats like otf, ttf, Woff and zip formats.
Avenir Next Font FreeAvenir Next font is part of the platinum series and comes in four typeface units. It also has its parent design as well as it comes in regular, italic, condensed and condensed italic, every equipped with 6 one-of-a-kind stem weights. All 24 weights include genuine small caps and antique style figures.If you are really looking for something unique and creative then you don’t need to look further. Because Avenir next font comes with almost all type of features that you need to use in your design in upcoming projects.If you know how to take care of your design elements then using a font like Avenir next is something that any designer out there can consider. There are many sans-serif fonts like but no font can beat the design and professional look that this font give to your graphic design projects.There are many reasons to use this awesome font. We are going to list some of them. One of the biggest reason for using this font is that it will make your fonts styles more professional.
Athelas takes full advantage of the typographic silence, that white space in the margins, between the columns, the lines, the words, the lettershapes and finally, within the characters themselves. It is also intended to take advantage of the great advances and technical developments made in offset printing. Athelas shows its. The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication.
Because using a unique font is always better than using an ordinary font.